Month: May 2017

Vicious circle of Cosmopolitan Ironies

                                             Vicious circle of Cosmopolitan Ironies

Certain urges don’t let you sleep, and for some, you need a sleep to accomplish. Well, this is life and its dilemma, where at one end you are expecting consolidation, one platform for all, just like GST and at the other end there is bifurcation and splitting like it did for Andhra Pradesh and it turned out to be Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. ‘Divide and Rule’ or ‘Consolidate and Conquer’. Difficult to analyze, isn’t it? This vicious circle of ironies has made this beautiful and simple world of ours a struggle to solve the puzzle which is called life.

The magic of change has encapsulated the world making it fierce and strong; and the hearts somewhat cold, colder than it was ages before. ‘Winter is coming’ and we are shaken up, rearranged to relocate ourselves to going places. But where are we heading to? Any idea. I too don’t. Everyone is speaking of development, digitization, success, SMART world, etc.; and with it, we are digging our own graves. We are so much getting into the culture of outsourcing that now we are outsourcing the brains through coding and programming. And we call it development. Some developed brains are shutting doors for millions of developing brains and hence outsource the ‘SMARTness’ or are we getting ‘OVER-smart’ and hence building ‘ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE’ and ‘AUGMENTED REALITIES’. We are merging with the atrocities to acquire difficulties. We are building complexities and then are disrupting ways to probing the complexities. The emotions have too turned calculative, just divide it with the situations and you will arrive at the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of life that is ‘Emotional Quotient’. If the remainder is zero the equation of life is highly inconsistent and hence no solution. But if it is a natural number there are many solutions but inconsistency still prevails.

I am not against this development but I fear that the real essence of this change is not getting realized, or should I say the meaning of life is getting lost. If I take the example of Yoga which is an art of meditation, a cure to detach from the materialism of the world and realize one’s own soul, has today become an advertising agent of commercial products. And this directs me towards another such example where Mahatma Gandhi who fought against non-violence is a symbol of violence that is money for which almost all the violence revolve around. And how can we forget about religion which is meant for keeping peace and prosperity have been realized by the OVER-smart minds as a symbol of terrorism. So that is how SMART we have become and will become in the ‘Evolving Future’ and hence set many more examples or ironies celebrating our so called success. The violent clock is buzzing at the peak it had never buzzed before. I fear this violence doesn’t destroy the eternal peace, I fear this development doesn’t prove to be a scar of bright light hung in the bat-black sky.  I fear the geyser of our expectations don’t burn the livelihood and the innocence of life. Let us together build hope, have faith in the simplicity and hence believe in the internal power of togetherness. Let us not take this life as a battle against complexities but direction ourselves towards love for simplicity.